Welcome to Our Miyabi Series Japanese Traditional Lanterns Home Page. We will be very pleased if our information of our web. pages will be very useful for your understanding about one of typical Japanese traditional hand made products,i.e.paper and vinyl lanterns. (Above illustration is our original design for miniture lanterns of coming year`s animal symbol.)
If you require more information about our products,please contact us.
〒451-0025 名古屋市西区上名古屋1-11-5
有限会社 雅創作工房
11-5,1-chome, Kaminagoya, Nishiku, Nagoya, Japan
Miyabi Sousaku Koubou Ltd.
PHONE<052>528-5360 FAX<052>522-6109
E-mail: miyabisk@qc.commufa.jp